British (UK)

The National Curriculum of England (UK) is a very structured curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all students, stretching brighter children and supporting those who need it through differentiated teaching and learning activities. The curriculum extends and excites all students, whatever their interests or ability. Through it, teachers are able to identify, celebrate and nurture the talents and intelligences of students.

British education is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality.

In the British education system, students are taught to learn by questioning, problem-solving and creative thinking rather than by the mere retention of facts, hence giving them analytical and creative thinking skills that they will need in the working world. A variety of teaching and assessment methods designed to develop independent thought as well as a mastery of the subject matter is used.

The National Curriculum of England has a clearly defined series of academic and other objectives at every level. mydrasa focuses on Key stage 3 (Year 7-9), Key stage 4 IGCSE/GCSE (Year 10-11) and Key stage 5 A-Level (Year 12-13).

mydrasa added subjects related to Key stage 4 to Year 9, and added subjects related to Key stage 5 to Year 11 for student preparation.

IGCSE stands for the "International General Certificate of Secondary Education". It is a program leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognized globally.

The exam boards covered under the International GCSE are Cambridge, Edexcel, and Oxford AQA.



Edexcel - Biology B - 9BI0

  • Overview
  • Chapters

Biology B 9BI0 is the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Biology B.

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Biology B consists of three externally

examined papers and the Science Practical Endorsement.

Component 1: Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics.

Component 2: Advanced Physiology, Evolution and Ecology.

Component 3: General and Practical Principles in Biology.

Component 4: Science Practical Endorsement.

  • 1: Biological Molecules
    1.1: Carbohydrates
    1.1.1: The difference between monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides
    1.1.2: The structure of the hexose glucose and the pentose ribose
    1.1.3: Monosaccharides join to form disaccharides
    1.1.4: The structure of glucose, starch, glycogen and cellulose
    1.2: Lipids
    1.2.1: How a triglyceride is synthesised
    1.2.2: The differences between saturated and unsaturated lipids
    1.2.3: The structure of lipids relates to their role in energy storage
    1.2.4: The structure and properties of phospholipids
    1.3: Proteins
    1.3.1: The structure of an amino acid
    1.3.2: The formation of polypeptides and proteins
    1.3.3: The role of ionic, hydrogen and disulfide bonding in the structure of proteins
    1.3.4: Significance of the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure
    1.3.5: The structure of collagen and haemoglobin are related to their function
    1.4: DNA and protein synthesis
    1.4.1: The structure of DNA
    1.4.2: DNA is replicated semi-conservatively
    1.4.3: A gene is a sequence of bases on a DNA molecule
    1.4.4: The structure of mRNA including nucleotides
    1.4.5: The structure of tRNA
    1.4.6: The processes of transcription in the nucleus and translation at the ribosome
    1.4.7: The nature of the genetic code
    1.4.8: Gene mutation as illustrated by base deletions, insertions and substitutions
    1.4.9: The effect of point mutations on amino acid sequences
    1.5: Enzymes
    1.5.1: The structure of enzymes as globular proteins
    1.5.2: The concepts of specificity and the induced fit hypothesis
    1.5.3: Enzymes are catalysts that reduce activation energy
    1.5.4: Temperature, pH, substrate and enzyme concentration
    1.5.5: A factor affecting the initial rate of an enzyme– controlled reaction
    1.5.6: The initial rate of enzyme activity
    1.5.7: Competitive, non-competitive and end-product inhibition
    1.5.8: Enzymes catalyse a wide range of intracellular reactions
    1.6: Inorganic ions
    1.6.1: The role in plants
    1.7: Water
    1.7.1: The importance of the dipole nature of water
  • 2: Cells, Viruses and Reproduction of Living Things
    2.1: Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure and function
    2.1.1: Cell theory is a unifying concept
    2.1.2: Complex organisms
    2.1.3: The ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells and the structure of organelle
    2.1.4: Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial cell walls
    2.1.5: The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells
    2.1.6: Magnification and resolution
    2.1.7: The importance of staining specimens in microscopy
    2.1.8: Use of the light microscope
    2.2: Viruses
    2.2.1: The classification of viruses is based on structure and nucleic acid types
    2.2.2: The lytic cycle of a virus and latency
    2.2.3: Viruses are not living cells
    2.2.4: Viruses can be difficult to treat once infection has occurred
    2.2.5: The ethical implications of using untested drugs during epidemics
    2.3: Eukaryotic cell cycle and division
    2.3.1: The cell cycle is a regulated process
    2.3.2: What happens to genetic material during the cell cycle
    2.3.3: Mitosis contributes to growth, repair and asexual reproduction
    2.3.4: Stages of mitosis
    2.3.5: Meiosis results in haploid gametes
    2.3.6: Meiosis results in genetic variation
    2.3.7: Chromosome mutations
    2.3.8: Non-disjunction can lead to polysomy
    2.4: Sexual reproduction in mammals
    2.4.1: The processes of oogenesis and spermatogenesis
    2.4.2: The events of fertilisation
    2.4.3: The early development of the embryo to blastocyst stage
    2.5: Sexual reproduction in plants
    2.5.1: Pollen grain forms in the anther and the embryo sac forms in the ovule
    2.5.2: The male nuclei formed by division of the generative nucleus
    2.5.3: The effect of sucrose concentrations on pollen tube growth or germination
    2.5.4: The process of double fertilisation inside the embryo sac
  • 3: Classification and Biodiversity
    3.1: Classification
    3.1.1: The classification system
    3.1.2: Species as a group of organisms with similar characteristics
    3.1.3: It is often difficult to assign organisms to any one species
    3.1.4: Gel electrophoresis can be used to distinguish between species
    3.1.5: DNA sequencing and bioinformatics can be used to distinguish between species
    3.1.6: The role of scientific journals
    3.1.7: The evidence for the three-domain model of classification
    3.2: Natural selection
    3.2.1: Evolution can come about through natural selection
    3.2.2: Organisms occupy niches
    3.2.3: Reproductive isolation can lead to allopatric and sympatric speciation
    3.2.4: Evolutionary race between pathogens and the development of medicines
    3.3: Biodiversity
    3.3.1: Biodiversity can be assessed at different scales
    3.3.2: The ethical and economic reasons for the maintenance of biodiversity.
    3.3.3: The principles of ex-situ (zoos and seed banks) and in-situ conservation
  • 4: Exchange and Transport
    4.1: Surface area to volume ratio
    4.1.1: Surface area to volume ratio affects transport of molecules
    4.1.2: Organisms need a mass transport system
    4.2: Cell transport mechanisms
    4.2.1: The structure of the cell surface membrane
    4.2.2: Passive transport
    4.2.3: The properties of molecules affects how they are transported
    4.2.4: Large molecules can be transported into and out of cells
    4.2.5: The effect of temperature on beetroot membrane permeability
    4.2.6: The water potential of plant cells
    4.2.7: The process of active transport
    4.2.8: Phosphorylation of ADP requires energy
    4.3: Gas exchange
    4.3.1: Insects, fish and mammals are adapted for gas exchange
    4.3.2: The structure of the gas exchange system in insect
    4.3.3: Gas exchange in flowering plants
    4.4: Circulation
    4.4.1: The structure of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries
    4.4.2: The advantages of a double circulatory system in mammals
    4.4.3: The sequence of events of the cardiac cycle
    4.4.4: Myogenic stimulation of the heart
    4.4.5: Interpret data showing ECG traces and pressure changes during the cardiac cycle
    4.4.6: The structure of blood as plasma and blood cells
    4.4.7: Function of blood as transport, defence, and formation of lymph and tissue fluid
    4.4.8: The role of platelets and plasma proteins
    4.4.9: The stages that lead to atherosclerosis
    4.5: Transport of gases in the blood
    4.5.1: The structure of haemoglobin
    4.5.2: The oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin
    4.5.3: The structures and functions of haemoglobin and myoglobin
    4.5.4: The significance of the oxygen affinity of fetal haemoglobin
    4.6: Transfer of materials between the circulatory system and cells
    4.6.1: The interchange of substances
    4.6.2: Tissue fluid that is not reabsorbed is returned to the blood
    4.7: Transport in plants
    4.7.1: The structure of xylem and phloem tissues
    4.7.2: Water can be moved through plant cells
    4.7.3: The cohesion-tension model
    4.7.4: Temperature, light, humidity and movement of air
    4.7.5: The strengths and weaknesses of the mass-flow hypothesis
    4.7.6: Factors affecting water uptake by plant shoots using a potometer
  • 5: Energy for Biological Processes
    5.1: Aerobic respiration
    5.1.1: Cellular respiration yields ATP
    5.1.2: The different stages in aerobic respiration
    5.2: Glycolysis
    5.2.1: The conversion of monosaccharides to pyruvate
    5.3: Link reaction and Krebs cycle
    5.3.1: The link reaction and Krebs cycle
    5.3.2: The complete oxidation of pyruvate
    5.4: Oxidative phosphorylation
    5.4.1: Electron transport chain takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
    5.4.2: The role of the electron transport chain in generating ATP
    5.4.3: The role of oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor forming water
    5.4.4: ATP is synthesised by chemiosmosis
    5.4.5: The importance of mitochondrial membranes
    5.5: Anaerobic respiration
    5.5.1: Anaerobic respiration is the partial breakdown
    5.5.2: The difference in ATP yields from one molecule of hexose sugar
    5.5.3: Lactate affects mammalian muscle contraction
    5.5.4: Anaerobic respiration in plants results in ethanol formation
    5.5.5: Factors affecting the rate of aerobic or anaerobic respiration
    5.6: Photosynthetic pigments
    5.6.1: Absorption and action spectra
    5.6.2: The effects of different wavelengths of light on the rate of photosynthesis
    5.6.3: Plants have a variety of different photosynthetic pigments
    5.6.4: The presence of different chloroplast pigments
    5.7: Photosynthesis
    5.7.1: The structure of chloroplasts
    5.7.2: The role of the thylakoid membranes in the light-dependent stage
    5.7.3: The processes of cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation
    5.7.4: The role of the stroma in the light-independent stage
    5.7.5: Carbon dioxide is fixed by combination with 5C ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)
    5.7.6: Reduced NADP and ATP from the light-dependent stage
    5.7.7: GALP is used as a raw material
    5.7.8: The factors that limit photosynthesis
  • 6: Microbiology and Pathogens
    6.1: Microbial techniques
    6.1.1: The basic aseptic techniques used in culturing organisms
    6.1.2: The principles and techniques involved in culturing microorganisms
    6.1.3: The use of different media
    6.1.4: The different methods of measuring the growth of a bacterial culture
    6.1.5: The different phases of a bacterial growth curve
    6.1.6: The rate of growth of bacteria in liquid culture
    6.1.7: Isolate individual species from a mixed culture of bacteria
    6.2: Bacteria as pathogens
    6.2.1: Bacteria can be agents of infection
    6.2.2: Exotoxins, endotoxins and invasion of host tissue
    6.3: Action of antibiotics
    6.3.1: The action of bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics
    6.4: Antibiotic resistance
    6.4.1: The development and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
    6.4.2: Controlling the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
    6.5: Other pathogenic agents
    6.5.1: The transmission, mode of infection and pathogenic effect
    6.6: Problems of controlling endemic diseases
    6.6.1: The social and economic and ethical implications of different control methods
    6.7: Response to infection
    6.7.1: The mode of action of macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes
    6.7.2: The development of the humoral immune response
    6.7.3: The development of the cell-mediated immune response
    6.7.4: The role of T and B memory cells in the secondary immune response
    6.7.5: Immunity can be natural or artificial, and active or passive
    6.7.6: Vaccination can be used in the control of disease
    6.7.7: The potential issues in populations where a proportion choose not to vaccinate
  • 7: Modern Genetics
    7.1: Using gene sequencing
    7.1.1: Genome
    7.1.2: PCR can be used to amplify DNA samples
    7.2: Factors affecting gene expression
    7.2.1: Transcription factors are proteins that bind to DNA
    7.2.2: The the role of transcription factors in regulating gene expression
    7.2.3: Post–transcription modification of mRNA in eukaryotic cells
    7.2.4: Gene expression can be changed by epigenetic modification
    7.2.5: Epigenetic modification is important in ensuring cell differentiation
    7.3: Stem cells
    7.3.1: Stem cell
    7.3.2: Pluripotent stem cells from embryos
    7.3.3: Epigenetic modifications can result in totipotent stem cells
    7.3.4: Differentiated fibroblasts can be reprogrammed
    7.3.5: The use of iPS stem cells
    7.4: Gene technology
    7.4.1: Recombinant DNA can be produced
    7.4.2: Recombinant DNA can be inserted into other cells
    7.4.3: Antibiotic resistance marker genes
    7.4.4: ‘knockout’ mice can be used as a valuable animal model
    7.4.5: The process of genetic modification of soya beans
    7.4.6: The widespread use of genetic modification of major commercial crops
  • 8: Origins of Genetic Variation
    8.1: Origins of genetic variation
    8.1.1: Mutations are the source of new variations
    8.1.2: Random fertilisation during sexual reproduction
    8.2: Transfer of genetic information
    8.2.1: Genotype and phenotype
    8.2.2: Construct genetic crosses and pedigree diagrams
    8.2.3: The inheritance of two non-interacting unlinked genes
    8.2.4: Autosomal linkage results from the presence of alleles on the same chromosome
    8.2.5: Sex linkage on the X chromosome
    8.2.6: The significance of the difference between observed and expected results
    8.3: Gene pools
    8.3.1: Selection pressures acting on the gene pool
    8.3.2: Changes in allele frequencies can be the result of chance and not selection
    8.3.3: Allele frequencies can be influenced
    8.3.4: The Hardy-Weinberg equation
  • 9: Control Systems
    9.1: Homeostasis
    9.1.1: Homeostasis is the maintenance of a state of dynamic equilibrium
    9.1.2: The importance of maintaining pH, temperature and water potential in the body
    9.1.3: Negative feedback and positive feedback control
    9.2: Chemical control in mammals
    9.2.1: The principles of mammalian hormone production by endocrine glands
    9.2.2: Two main modes of action in hormones
    9.3: Chemical control in plants
    9.3.1: Chemical control in plants is brought about by plant growth substances
    9.3.2: The effect of gibberellin on the production of amylase in germinating cereals
    9.3.3: Plant growth substances often interact with each other
    9.3.4: Phytochrome controls flowering and photomorphogenesis
    9.4: Structure and function of the mammalian nervous system
    9.4.1: The central and peripheral nervous systems
    9.4.2: The structure of the spinal cord
    9.4.3: The location and main functions
    9.4.4: The peripheral nervous system is divided into autonomic and voluntary systems
    9.4.5: The autonomic nervous system
    9.5: Nervous transmission
    9.5.1: Resting potential
    9.5.2: How an action potential is formed and how it is propagated along an axon
    9.5.3: The speed of transmission along myelinated axons
    9.5.4: The structure and function of a synapse
    9.5.5: The formation and effects of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
    9.6: Effects of drugs on the nervous system
    9.6.1: The effects of drugs can be caused by their influence on synaptic transmission
    9.7: Detection of light by mammals
    9.7.1: The structure of the human retina
    9.7.2: The role of the rhodopsin in initiating action potentials
    9.7.3: The distribution of human rod and cone cells
    9.8: Control of heart rate in mammals
    9.8.1: How the autonomic nervous system controls heart rate
    9.8.2: The role of the autonomic nervous system
    9.9: Osmoregulation and temperature regulation
    9.9.1: The gross and microscopic structure of the mammalian kidney
    9.9.2: Urea is produced in the liver from excess amino acids
    9.9.3: Solutes are selectively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
    9.9.4: Negative feedback control of mammalian plasma concentration
    9.9.5: The kidney of a kangaroo rat is adapted for life in a dry environment
    9.9.6: An endotherm is able to produce heat through metabolic processes
    9.9.7: An endotherm is able to regulate its temperature through behaviour
  • 10: Ecosystems
    10.1: The nature of ecosystems
    10.1.1: Ecosystem
    10.1.2: Trophic levels
    10.1.3: The advantages and disadvantages of pyramids of numbers
    10.1.4: The ecological techniques
    10.1.5: Appropriate ecological techniques
    10.1.6: The effect of different sampling methods
    10.1.7: Use statistical tests to analyse data
    10.2: Energy transfer through ecosystems
    10.2.1: Energy is transferred between trophic levels
    10.2.2: The efficiency of energy transfer between different trophic levels
    10.2.3: The significance of microorganisms in the recycling of nutrients
    10.3: Changes in ecosystems
    10.3.1: Ecosystems can develop over time
    10.3.2: The effects of biotic and abiotic factors on population size
    10.3.3: The effect of one abiotic factor
    10.4: Human effects on ecosystems
    10.4.1: Human influences on ecosystems
    10.4.2: The effect that treaties had on global biodiversity
    10.4.3: Sustainability of resources
    10.4.4: The debate about climate change

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