British (UK)

The National Curriculum of England (UK) is a very structured curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all students, stretching brighter children and supporting those who need it through differentiated teaching and learning activities. The curriculum extends and excites all students, whatever their interests or ability. Through it, teachers are able to identify, celebrate and nurture the talents and intelligences of students.

British education is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality.

In the British education system, students are taught to learn by questioning, problem-solving and creative thinking rather than by the mere retention of facts, hence giving them analytical and creative thinking skills that they will need in the working world. A variety of teaching and assessment methods designed to develop independent thought as well as a mastery of the subject matter is used.

The National Curriculum of England has a clearly defined series of academic and other objectives at every level. mydrasa focuses on Key stage 3 (Year 7-9), Key stage 4 IGCSE/GCSE (Year 10-11) and Key stage 5 A-Level (Year 12-13).

mydrasa added subjects related to Key stage 4 to Year 9, and added subjects related to Key stage 5 to Year 11 for student preparation.

IGCSE stands for the "International General Certificate of Secondary Education". It is a program leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognized globally.

The exam boards covered under the International GCSE are Cambridge, Edexcel, and Oxford AQA.



Cambridge - Sciences - Coordinated (Chemistry) - 0654

  • Overview
  • Chapters

Cambridge IGCSE Coordinated Sciences is a double award, worth two IGCSEs. It covers biology, chemistry and physics. Students are awarded two identical grades, e.g. AA or CC.

The curriculum content is set out in clearly defined biology, chemistry and physics sections, which are extensively cross-referenced to present subject content as a coherent scientific whole.

Teachers can reduce duplication of common themes, and also encourage students to see ideas common to all sciences, such as energy. Teaching in one subject reinforces another and stimulates interest in a third.

Candidates learn about the basic principles of each subject through a mix of theoretical and practical studies, while also developing an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study.

The syllabus is aimed at candidates across a very wide range of abilities, and allows them to show success over the full range of grades from A*A* to GG.

  • 1: The particulate nature of matter
    1.1: The particulate nature of matter
    1.1.1: The distinguishing properties of solids, liquids and gases
    1.1.2: The structure of solids, liquids and gases
    1.1.3: The changes of state
    1.1.4: Atom, molecule and ion
    1.1.5: Changes of state
    1.1.6: The movement of particles
    1.1.7: Dependence of rate of diffusion on molecular mass
  • 2: Experimental techniques
    2.1: Measurement
    2.1.1: Appropriate apparatus for the measurement of time, temperature, mass and volume
    2.2: Criteria of purity
    2.2.1: Paper chromatography
    2.2.2: Simple chromatograms
    2.2.3: Use of Rf values
    2.2.4: The importance of purity in substances for use in everyday life
    2.2.5: Mixtures melt and boil over a range of temperatures
    2.2.6: Purity from melting point and boiling point
    2.3: Methods of purification
    2.3.1: Methods of separation and purification
    2.3.2: Separation and purification techniques
  • 3: Atoms, elements and compounds
    3.1: Physical and chemical changes
    3.1.1: Physical and chemical changes
    3.1.2: Some chemical reactions can be reversed by changing the reaction conditions
    3.2: Elements, compounds and mixtures
    3.2.1: The differences between elements, mixtures and compounds
    3.2.2: Solvent, solute, solution and concentration
    3.3: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
    3.3.1: The structure of an atom
    3.3.2: The build-up of electrons in ‘shells’
    3.3.3: The charges and approximate relative masses of protons, neutrons and electrons
    3.3.4: Proton number (atomic number)
    3.3.5: Nucleon number (mass number)
    3.3.6: The basis of the Periodic Table
    3.3.7: Isotopes
    3.3.8: Isotopes have the same properties
    3.4: Ions and ionic bonds
    3.4.1: The formation of ions by electron loss or gain
    3.4.2: The formation of ionic bonds between Group I and Group VII
    3.4.3: The formation of ionic bonds between metallic and non-metallic elements
    3.4.4: The lattice structure of ionic compounds
    3.5: Molecules and covalent bonds
    3.5.1: Non-metallic elements form simple molecules with covalent bonds between atoms
    3.5.2: The formation of single covalent bonds in H2, Cl2, H2O, CH4, NH3 and HCl
    3.5.3: The bonding in the more complex covalent molecules
    3.5.4: The differences in volatility, solubility and electrical conductivity
    3.5.5: The differences in melting point and boiling point
    3.6: Macromolecules
    3.6.1: There are several different forms of carbon
    3.6.2: The giant covalent structures of graphite and diamond
    3.6.3: The structures of diamond and graphite to their uses
    3.6.4: The macromolecular structure of silicon(IV) oxide (silicon dioxide, SiO2)
  • 4: Stoichiometry
    4.1: Stoichiometry
    4.1.1: The formulae of simple compounds
    4.1.2: The formula of an ionic compound
    4.1.3: The formula of a simple compound
    4.1.4: The formula of a simple compound from a model
    4.1.5: Word equations
    4.1.6: Simple symbol equations
    4.1.7: Symbol equations
    4.1.8: The balanced equation for a chemical reaction
    4.1.9: Relative atomic mass
    4.1.10: Relative molecular mass
    4.2: The mole
    4.2.1: The mole
    4.2.2: The molar gas volume
    4.2.3: Stoichiometric reacting masses
  • 5: Electricity and chemistry
    5.1: Electricity and chemistry
    5.1.1: Electrolysis
    5.1.2: Inert electrode, electrolyte, anode and cathode
    5.1.3: Gain of electrons by cations and loss of electrons by anions
    5.1.4: The electrode products
    5.1.5: Metals are formed at cathode and non-metals are formed at anode
    5.1.6: The products of electrolysis related to the electrolyte and electrodes used
    5.1.7: Ionic half-equations
    5.1.8: Electroplating with copper
    5.1.9: The products of the electrolysis of a specified molten binary compound
    5.1.10: Chemistry of manufacture of aluminium, chlorine, hydrogen, and sodium hydroxide
  • 6: Energy changes in chemical reactions
    6.1: Energy changes in chemical reactions
    6.1.1: Exothermic and endothermic reactions
    6.1.2: Bond breaking and forming
    6.1.3: Energy level diagrams
    6.1.4: Energy level diagrams interpretation
  • 7: Chemical reactions
    7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
    7.1.1: Practical methods for investigating the rate of a reaction
    7.1.2: Data concerned with rate of reaction
    7.1.3: Collection of gases and measurement of rates of reaction
    7.1.4: Effects on the rate of reactions
    7.1.5: The effect of changing concentration
    7.1.6: The effect of changing temperature
    7.1.7: Danger of explosive combustion with fine powders
    7.2: Redox
    7.2.1: Oxidation and reduction in chemical reactions
    7.2.2: Redox
    7.2.3: Oxidising agent and reducing agent
  • 8: Acids, bases and salts
    8.1: The characteristic properties of acids and bases
    8.1.1: Neutrality and relative acidity and alkalinity
    8.1.2: The characteristic properties of acids
    8.1.3: The characteristic properties of bases
    8.1.4: The importance of controlling acidity in soil
    8.1.5: Acids and bases
    8.2: Types of oxides
    8.2.1: Classification of oxides
    8.2.2: Neutral and amphoteric oxides
    8.3: Preparation of salts
    8.3.1: The preparation, separation and purification of salts
    8.3.2: A method of making a given salt from suitable starting material
    8.4: Identification of ions and gases
    8.4.1: Aqueous cations, cations, anions, and gases
  • 9: The Periodic Table
    9.1: The Periodic Table
    9.1.1: The Periodic Table
    9.2: Periodic trends
    9.2.1: The change from metallic to nonmetallic character across a period
    9.2.2: Metallic/non-metallic character
    9.3: Group properties
    9.3.1: Lithium, sodium and potassium
    9.3.2: The properties of other elements in Group I
    9.3.3: Halogens, chlorine, bromine and iodine in Group VII
    9.3.4: The reaction of chlorine, bromine and iodine with other halide ions
    9.3.5: The properties of other elements in Group VII
    9.3.6: Trends in other groups
    9.4: Transition elements
    9.4.1: The transition elements
    9.5: Noble gases
    9.5.1: The noble gases in Group VIII or 0
    9.5.2: The uses of the noble gases in providing an inert atmosphere
  • 10: Metals
    10.1: Properties of metals
    10.1.1: The general physical properties of metals
    10.1.2: Metallic bonding
    10.1.3: Alloys
    10.1.4: Alloys are used instead of pure metals
    10.1.5: The properties of iron
    10.1.6: Representations of alloys from diagrams of structure
    10.2: Reactivity series
    10.2.1: Order of reactivity
    10.2.2: The reactivity series
    10.2.3: Order of reactivity from experimental results
    10.3: Extraction of metals from their ores
    10.3.1: The use of carbon in the extraction of some metals from their ores
    10.3.2: The essential reactions in the extraction of iron
    10.3.3: Aluminium is extracted from the ore bauxite by electrolysis
    10.3.4: The method of extraction of a metal from its ore related to its reactivity
    10.3.5: Metal ores
    10.4: Uses of metals
    10.4.1: The uses of aluminium
    10.4.2: The apparent unreactivity of aluminium
    10.4.3: The uses of mild steel and stainless steel
    10.4.4: The uses of zinc for galvanising steel and for making brass
  • 11: Air and water
    11.1: Water
    11.1.1: A chemical test for water
    11.1.2: The treatment of the water supply
    11.2: Air
    11.2.1: The composition of clean air
    11.2.2: The common pollutants in air
    11.2.3: The adverse effect of common air pollutants
    11.2.4: The source of the common pollutants
    11.2.5: Reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide
    11.2.6: Catalytic converter removes nitrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide
    11.2.7: The conditions required for the rusting of iron
    11.2.8: Barrier methods of rust prevention
    11.2.9: Sacrificial protection
    11.3: Carbon dioxide and methane
    11.3.1: The formation of carbon dioxide
    11.3.2: Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases
    11.3.3: Enhanced greenhouse effect
    11.4: Nitrogen and fertilisers
    11.4.1: The need for nitrogen-, phosphorus- and potassium-containing fertilisers
    11.4.2: The displacement of ammonia from its salts
    11.4.3: The essential conditions for the manufacture of ammonia
  • 12: Sulfur
    12.1: Sulfur
    12.1.1: The use of sulfur in the manufacture of sulfuric acid
    12.1.2: The manufacture of sulfuric acid by the Contact process
  • 13: Carbonates
    13.1: Carbonates
    13.1.1: The manufacture of lime
    13.1.2: The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate (limestone)
  • 14: Organic chemistry
    14.1: Organic chemistry
    14.1.1: The structures of methane, ethane, ethene and ethanol
    14.1.2: The type of compound based on chemical name ending
    14.1.3: The structures of the unbranched alkanes and alkenes
    14.2: Fuels
    14.2.1: Coal, natural gas and petroleum are fossil fuels
    14.2.2: Methane as the main constituent of natural gas
    14.2.3: Petroleum
    14.2.4: The properties of molecules within a fraction
    14.2.5: The uses of the fractions
    14.3: Homologous series
    14.3.1: The homologous series of alkanes and alkenes
    14.4: Alkanes
    14.4.1: Alkanes
    14.4.2: The properties of alkanes
    14.4.3: The complete combustion of hydrocarbons
    14.5: Alkenes
    14.5.1: Alkenes
    14.5.2: Cracking is a reaction that produces alkenes
    14.5.3: The formation of smaller alkanes, alkenes and hydrogen
    14.5.4: Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
    14.5.5: The properties of alkenes
    14.6: Alcohols
    14.6.1: Ethanol may be formed by fermentation and by reaction between ethene and steam
    14.6.2: Fermentation and the catalytic addition of steam to ethene
    14.6.3: The complete combustion of ethanol to give carbon dioxide and water
    14.6.4: The uses of ethanol as a solvent and as a fuel
    14.7: Polymers
    14.7.1: Polymers
    14.7.2: Different polymers have different monomer units and/or different linkages
    14.8: Synthetic polymers
    14.8.1: The formation of poly(ethene)
    14.8.2: The structure of the polymer product from a given alkene and vice versa
    14.8.3: The differences between addition and condensation polymerisation
    14.8.4: The formation of a simple condensation polymer

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