Student Honor Code

Updated July 30, 2020

It is mydrasa's mission to support better educational opportunities, habits, and values for all learners. The misuse of our platform to develop bad habits, such as cheating or cutting corners on assignments and tests, is disheartening and incompatible with the values of our company and our community. Our team works hard to uphold academic integrity on our platform, and we are continuously adding features to ensure mydrasa supports learning everywhere. We expect all mydrasa users to follow our guidelines and agree to our Honor Code before creating or studying content on our platform.

mydrasa is meant for learning — active test banks, exam questions with answers, or another confidential course content is not to be posted on mydrasa. If you are validly studying past tests, please be aware that this material may still be in circulation and in use by teachers or tutors other than your own, and make sure to keep these sets private.

Additionally, it is your responsibility to be aware of and uphold your specific teacher or institution's policies regarding posting or sharing course material online; please review your classes' or school's own academic integrity policy before posting any content publicly on mydrasa.

Violating mydrasa's Honor Code includes (but is not limited to)

  • Posting the answers to a test you just took and sharing them with others
  • Searching mydrasa for answers and using them to cheat on a take-home test or assessment
  • Using mydrasa on your phone to copy answers during an in-class test
  • If your teacher or professor would be unhappy with you using mydrasa in a specific way, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

Reporting Honor Code Violations

If you have found active test questions and answers on mydrasa that are in violation of this Honor Code, submit a report to us at and we will address the issue promptly.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at

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