Egypt (EN)

Egyptian National Curriculum - English


Biology G10

  • Overview
  • Chapters

Biology G10

  • 1: Chemical Basis of Life
    1.1: Chemical Structure of Living Organisms’ Bodies (Carbohydrates and Lipids)
    1.1.1: Biological molecules
    1.1.2: Carbohydrates
    1.1.3: Importance of carbohydrates
    1.1.4: Molecular structure of carbohydrates
    1.1.5: Lipids
    1.1.6: Molecular structure of lipids
    1.1.7: Importance of lipids
    1.1.8: The Chemistry of Food
    1.2: Chemical Structure of Living Organisms’ Bodies (Proteins and Nucleic Acids)
    1.2.1: Proteins
    1.2.2: Importance of proteins
    1.2.3: Molecular structure of proteins
    1.2.4: Classification of proteins
    1.2.5: Nucleic Acids
    1.2.6: The importance of nucleic acids
    1.3: Chemical Reactions in Organisms’ Bodies
    1.3.1: Metabolism
    1.3.2: Enzyme Action
    1.3.3: Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
    1.3.4: The effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity
  • 2: Cell: Structure and Function
    2.1: Cell Theory
    2.1.1: Diversity of Cells
    2.1.2: Cell Theory
    2.1.3: Microscopy
    2.2: Cell Ultrastructure
    2.2.1: Cell parts
    2.2.2: Eukaryotic Cell Structure
    2.2.3: Animal and Plant Cells
    2.3: Differentiation of Cells and Diversity of Plant and Animal Tissues
    2.3.1: Tissues and Organs
    2.3.2: Plant Tissues
    2.3.3: Animal Tissues
    2.3.4: Stem Cells
  • 3: Inheritance of Traits
    3.1: Chromosomes and Genetic Information
    3.1.1: Karyotypes
    3.1.2: Chromosomal theory
    3.1.3: Mendel’s laws
    3.2: The Interaction of Genes
    3.2.1: Lack of dominance
    3.2.2: Inheritance of Blood groups in humans
    3.2.3: Genetic classification of blood groups
    3.2.4: Chemical classification of blood groups
    3.2.5: Importance of blood types
    3.2.6: Blood transfusions
    3.2.7: Determination of the type of blood group
    3.2.8: Rhesus factor (Rh)
    3.2.9: Complementary genes
    3.2.10: Lethal genes
    3.2.11: Environmental Effects on Gene Expression
    3.3: Genetic Inheritance and Genetic Diseases
    3.3.1: Sex determination in human
    3.3.2: Chromosomal Abnormalities
    3.3.3: Sex-linked traits
    3.3.4: Sex-influenced traits
    3.3.5: Sex-limited traits
    3.3.6: Medical examinations before marriage
    3.3.7: Applications of DNA Fingerprinting
    3.3.8: The Human Genome Project
  • 4: Classification of Living Organisms
    4.1: Principles of Classification of Living Organisms
    4.1.1: Naming of living organisms
    4.1.2: Classification
    4.1.3: Taxonomic Hierarchy
    4.1.4: Dichotomous Keys
    4.2: Modern Classification of Living Organisms
    4.2.1: Kingdom Monera
    4.2.2: Kingdom Protista
    4.2.3: Kingdom Fungi
    4.2.4: Kingdom Plantae
    4.3: Kingdom Animalia
    4.3.1: Kingdom Animalia: Invertebrates
    4.3.2: Kingdom Animalia: Vertebrates

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